Friday, July 1, 2016

Legalize Cannabis Commentary

In Madison Bush Couch's blog post Legalize Cannabis, there were many valid, if not strong, arguments on why cannabis should be legalized. I feel one of the main issues that states' have with legalizing Marijuana has a lot to do with the economy, along with racial and partisan divisions within the state. The fact is, almost half of the United States has already made some sort of progression towards legalizing Marijuana to an extent, whether that follows decriminalizing possession or allowing medicinal/recreational use. Couch focuses the importance of Cannabis being used as a medicinal drug by arguing about its wide spectrum of diseases and pain that can be treated, without the concern of addiction that is usually a problem with prescription drugs. This was a major point made by Couch that I can fully agree with, the danger of prescription drugs and the importance of having awareness about them, her specific example being Xanax. I surprisingly know a lot of people that are prescribed Xanax, yet I feel like Xanax could be easily replaced with Marijuana due to it's similar side effects, the only difference being that Marijuana has been known to cause paranoia in some cases. Either way, the drugs that are legal in this country do as much, if not more, damage than what Cannabis has the ability to do. I believe everything can be dangerous if and when it's mixed with other drugs or alcohol, so that is not a strong argument against the legalization of Marijuana. Overall, I felt persuaded and in agreement with a lot of what Couch said in her post. It was informative, argumentative, and brought up valid points about the holes in our country's health system and the holes in the arguments against Cannabis. 

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