Monday, June 20, 2016

Trump's strategy to "Make America Great Again"

The hot question these days is “What if Trump becomes the next President of the United States?” I hear it in the grocery store, I see it posted on social media, and it even comes up in family conversations.  Because of all of this buzz around me I want to take some time to say what I think about Trump and his platform.
Trump seems to appeal more to men than women which is disturbing because his statements in the media have been completely misogynistic and it is scary to think that men “secretly” harbor beliefs that suggest that our society is no better now than it was before women won the right to vote.  I hope that this “majority” that Trump’s campaign refers to does not include me or any of my male peers because that would undermine everything I believe in as a man and an equal citizen with women.
Trump promises to “reindustrialize” America and revitalize small towns and bring back some sort of “golden days” of the industrialism era.  Does he remember what life was like during those so-called “golden days?”  Average wages were low, health care was non-existent and life-expectancy was far below what it is today.  How will having society return to a “working class” demographic help the average citizen?  It won’t!
I hope that my peers are not falling for Trump’s wild and far-fetched promises and ideas.  I hope that my friends, family and neighbors are not buying into racist, misogynistic dogma that has no foundation or basis in reality.  This “utopia” that Trump is promising America is really a dystopia where animosity, tension and rage will thrive.

I am an optimist.  I hope for the best for the future and the best future for our country is not to take steps backwards.  

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